Unit converter tools

A collection of the most popular and useful tools that help you easily convert day-to-day data.

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Unit converter tools

A collection of the most popular and useful tools that help you easily convert day-to-day data.

Celsius to Fahrenheit

Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit temperature units.

Celsius to Kelvin

Convert Celsius to Kelvin temperature units.

Fahrenheit to Celsius

Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius temperature units.

Fahrenheit to Kelvin

Convert Fahrenheit to Kelvin temperature units.

Kelvin to Celsius

Convert Kelvin to Celsius temperature units.

Kelvin to Fahrenheit

Convert Kelvin to Fahrenheit temperature units.

Mph to Kph

Convert miles per hour to kilometers per hour.

Kph to Mph

Convert kilometers per hour to miles per hour.

Number to Roman Numerals

Convert a number to Roman numerals.

Roman Numerals to Number

Convert Roman numerals to a number.