Roman Numerals to Number
Roman Numerals to Number FAQ
Sure, here are five questions about "Roman Numerals to Numbers" along with their answers:
1. What is the value of the Roman numeral 'XLII' in decimal numbers?
The Roman numeral 'XLII' translates to the decimal number 42. The numeral can be broken down as follows:
- 'XL' = 40 (since 'X' before 'L' means 10 subtracted from 50)
- 'II' = 2
So, (40 + 2 = 42).
2. How do you convert the Roman numeral 'CXCIV' to a decimal number?
The Roman numeral 'CXCIV' translates to the decimal number 194. Here’s the breakdown:
- 'C' = 100
- 'XC' = 90 (since 'X' before 'C' means 10 subtracted from 100)
- 'IV' = 4 (since 'I' before 'V' means 1 subtracted from 5)
Thus, (100 + 90 + 4 = 194).
3. What is the decimal value of the Roman numeral 'MMXXIV'?
The Roman numeral 'MMXXIV' translates to the decimal number 2024. Here's how it breaks down:
- 'M' = 1000
- 'M' = 1000
- 'XX' = 20 (10 + 10)
- 'IV' = 4 (since 'I' before 'V' means 1 subtracted from 5)
So, (1000 + 1000 + 20 + 4 = 2024).
4. How would you convert the Roman numeral 'DCCCXLV' to a number?
The Roman numeral 'DCCCXLV' translates to the decimal number 845. The breakdown is as follows:
- 'D' = 500
- 'CCC' = 300 (100 + 100 + 100)
- 'XL' = 40 (since 'X' before 'L' means 10 subtracted from 50)
- 'V' = 5
So, (500 + 300 + 40 + 5 = 845).
5. What is the number for the Roman numeral 'MCMXCIX'?
The Roman numeral 'MCMXCIX' translates to the decimal number 1999. Here's the breakdown:
- 'M' = 1000
- 'CM' = 900 (since 'C' before 'M' means 100 subtracted from 1000)
- 'XC' = 90 (since 'X' before 'C' means 10 subtracted from 100)
- 'IX' = 9 (since 'I' before 'X' means 1 subtracted from 10)
Thus, (1000 + 900 + 90 + 9 = 1999).
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